
Essential oils and spirituality lorem ipsum


Although aromatherapy has become popular in recent years for its potency and effectiveness as a natural solution because modern scientific studies have supported its therapeutic properties. The use of essential oils to heal the body, mind, and spirituality dates back to all the ancient world’s great civilizations.

Thus, since ancient times, aromatic plants have honored the divine in religious and spiritual ceremonies. Considered sacred for their magical healing properties and divine aromas, they were “sacrificed” by burning them, and the fragrant smoke was offered to the Gods.

 It is said that these ceremonies also benefited the priests because inhaling the aromatic smoke produced mystical and spiritual states. 

In our contemporary context, we can use essential oils in meditation to connect our inner or spiritual self with God. 

Frankincense and other aromatic components such as sandalwood, cedarwood, juniper, myrrh, pine, sage, and cypress continue to be part of the sacred ceremonies of many religions worldwide. 

5 Essential Oils to connect spiritually

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Here are my 5 favorite Essential Oils that help me connect more deeply with my Father in Heaven. 

    Frankincense: It is considered the Oil of Truth. It helps to conceive new life expectations based on light and truth, as it evokes the understanding of spiritual memory, gifts, wisdom, and knowledge that the soul brought into this world.

It cleanses the spiritual darkness, bringing down all that blocks the heart to make the soul connect with its inner light, revealing the truth. It is beneficial in creating a healthy connection with the parent, reminding the individual that he or she is unconditionally loved and protected. 

It also protects the body and soul from negative influences. It assists the soul in its spiritual evolution, favoring prayer and meditation because it helps to open the channels that allow connecting with God.

    Rose: Considered the Oil of Divine Love, it vibrates at a higher frequency than any other essential oil; it helps to heal and soften the heart, releasing the ties to embrace the blessings of love and divine grace with a sense of warmth, clarity, and compassion that opens the doors to healing in all dimensions of life. 

    Sandalwood: The oil of sacred devotion, it supports prayer, meditation, and spiritual worship by instructing the individual to reverence the divine, calming the mind and heart to enter into harmony with God. Sandalwood helps to identify the place of emotions, feelings, and challenges in the individual’s life to reorder their priorities and align them to the divine will, reaching beyond their current limits and beliefs.

    Arborvitae, or Tree of Life: The Oil of Divine Grace, allows us to let go of struggle and effort and surrender to God’s grace and divine protection. It reminds us that divinity is everywhere, and God’s grace can be felt and experienced daily, helping to balance life. This allows the mind to relax and the soul to experience peace and harmony. 

    Chamomile: It is the oil of spiritual purpose, helping the individual to discover his true purpose in life, fulfilling the mission assigned to him, and helping to restore self-confidence to carry it out. Chamomile helps to bring the soul to where it needs to be and do what it needs to do. Leaving aside meaningless activities to concentrate on more meaningful work, feeling connected and protected by God in its spiritual path. 

How can you include your Essential Oils in prayer or meditation?

The most effective method of practicing meditation with essential oils is to use them aromatically, and you can supplement with their topical use at critical points. To do this, follow the steps below: 

    Choose your Essential Oil according to the intention you will put in your spiritual practice; for this, analyze how you feel and what you want to achieve through meditation. 

    Choose the aromatic method you are going to use and follow these instructions: 

    Diffuser: Add 4 drops to your diffuser and turn it on in the space where you will perform your prayer to breathe in the atmosphere.


Although aromatherapy has become popular in recent years for its potency and effectiveness as a natural solution because modern scientific studies have supported its therapeutic properties. The use of essential oils to heal the body, mind, and spirituality dates back to all the ancient world’s great civilizations.

Thus, since ancient times, aromatic plants have honored the divine in religious and spiritual ceremonies. Considered sacred for their magical healing properties and divine aromas, they were “sacrificed” by burning them, and the fragrant smoke was offered to the Gods.

 It is said that these ceremonies also benefited the priests because inhaling the aromatic smoke produced mystical and spiritual states. 

In our contemporary context, we can use essential oils in meditation to connect our inner or spiritual self with God. 

Frankincense and other aromatic components such as sandalwood, cedarwood, juniper, myrrh, pine, sage, and cypress continue to be part of the sacred ceremonies of many religions worldwide. 

5 Essential Oils to connect spiritually

Here are my 5 favorite Essential Oils that help me connect more deeply with my introspection, calm, relaxation, and listening. 

    Frankincense: It is considered the Oil of Truth. It helps to conceive new life expectations based on light and truth, as it evokes the understanding of spiritual memory, gifts, wisdom, and knowledge that the soul brought into this world.

It cleanses the spiritual darkness, bringing down all that blocks the heart to make the soul connect with its inner light, revealing the truth. It is very helpful in creating a healthy connection with the parent, reminding the individual that he or she is unconditionally loved and protected. 

It also protects the body and soul from negative influences. It assists the soul in its spiritual evolution, favoring prayer and meditation because it helps to open the channels that allow connecting with God.

    Rose: Considered the Oil of Divine Love, it vibrates at a higher frequency than any other essential oil. It helps to heal and soften the heart, releasing the ties to embrace the blessings of love and divine grace, with a sense of warmth, clarity, and compassion that allow opening the doors to healing in all dimensions of life. 

    Sandalwood: The oil of sacred devotion, it supports prayer, meditation, and spiritual worship by instructing the individual to reverence the divine, calming the mind and heart to enter into harmony with God. Sandalwood helps to identify the place of emotions, feelings, and challenges in the individual’s life to reorder their priorities and align them to the divine will, reaching beyond their current limits and beliefs.

    Arborvitae or Tree of Life: The Oil of Divine Grace, allows us to let go of struggle, effort, and surrender to God’s grace and heavenly protection. It reminds us that divinity is everywhere, and God’s grace can be felt and experienced daily, helping to balance life. This allows the mind to relax, and the soul to experience peace and harmony. 

Arborvitae teaches us that true strength comes from God, and invites us to trust in the natural flow of life.  

    Chamomile: It is the oil of spiritual purpose, helping the individual to discover his true purpose in life, fulfilling the mission assigned to him, and helping to restore self-confidence to carry it out. Chamomile helps to bring the soul to where it needs to be and do what it needs to do, leaving aside meaningless activities to concentrate on more meaningful work.

How can you include your Essential Oils in prayer or meditation?

The most effective method of practicing meditation with essential oils is to use them aromatically. You can supplement with their topical use at crucial points. To do this, follow the steps below: 

    Choose your Essential Oil according to the intention you will put in your spiritual practice; for this, analyze how you feel and what you want to achieve through meditation. 

    Choose the aromatic method you are going to use and follow these instructions: 

    Diffuser: Add 4 drops to your diffuser and turn it on in the space where you will perform your prayer to breathe in the atmosphere.

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