
The spiritual effect of jewelry lorem ipsum

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Jewelry has been and continues to be highly valued objects in society, with great significance for different cultures and civilizations for centuries. According to various beliefs, jewelry can bring a spiritual effect to our personality and even to our organism.

Going back in history, wearing jewelry was totally popular. Sometimes they were shown as a symbol of people’s power and social status, while in other cultures they were used as protection against negative energies and eye diseases…

From beefree, we reveal the spiritual powers that certain jewelry can provide, so you can wear them and feel good both inside and out.

Golden rings

Gold is the most precious metal in the world. It is clearly a source of wealth and power. But gold was also once believed to have healing properties.

Among its many effects, it is believed that it can produce a lot of heat energy, because of its golden color, which generates a very soothing kind of vibrations causing relaxation of the body.

This source of heat was thought to be able to help injuries recover faster.

It is a deeply rooted custom for wedding rings to be made of yellow gold. This is a very common belief around the world, as it comes from tradition and especially from religion. But is there any benefit to this action? Yes!
Wearing a gold ring emanates strength to the couple, it is like Divine consciousness.

It is believed that the ring on the ring finger significantly reduces any kind of negative energy, preventing anyone from breaking the bond that unites the couple in love.

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Silver and gold in earrings

Earrings are not only intended for decorative purposes or to simply beautify us. This ornament is believed to exert a great acupuncture effect on the organism.

In ancient China, it was believed that wearing earrings brought various health benefits and in fact they were created for that purpose. Gradually this ritual became popular and reality became legend.

Wearing earrings can bring us a Divine Principle. Much should be said on this subject. The energy exerted by earrings in the ears could bring us happiness, patience, joy, spiritual desire, ability for forgiveness and perseverance.

Wearing jewelry to decorate our necks

Necklaces or pendants have been a popular fashion trend for many centuries. Nowadays it is one of the elements that can bring us a more sophisticated look.

But we do not really know what this jewelry can bring us on a spiritual level.
It is believed that wearing a necklace unconsciously attracts the “Divine Consciousness”, which is in turn transmitted through the whole body. This “consciousness” would protect us from negative energy.

This is also why there is a belief that there are pendants that bring luck or bring certain protection to the person.

It is said that wearing a pure gold chain brings well-being, protection, confidence and luck.
Spiritual necklaces

Wearing copper bracelets and bangles

Wearing bracelets and bangles is one of the oldest and most enchanting adornments created by human beings, its history dating back to 5000 years BC. That is why this jewelry is so spiritual. Along with it you can use gems with their respective spiritual effects, this way you could enhance its power.

It was believed that if a woman wore a copper bracelet on her left wrist it brought luck and protection against bad energies, if she wore it on her right wrist, it brought confidence and prosperity in business and family. As you can see there are multiple beliefs.

Wearing jewelry can have numerous benefits, both organically and spiritually, so if you are interested in them, in beefree we advise you on the special jewel for you.

Do not hesitate to consult our catalog or visit our website.
Revitalize yourself with the use of spiritual jewelry!


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